VAE Group wins Safety AwardVAE Group wins Brisbane Airport Corporation's 2018 CEO's Safety Award

#VAE Safety

We are proud to announce that the VAE Group and our Project Manager James Szach have received the Brisbane Airport Corporation (BAC) CEO’s Safety Award for 2018.

The CEO's Safety Award is awarded to a contractor company who best meets BAC's safety vision and values, as nominated by a BAC staff member.

Specifically, this is about delivering world best health and safety outcomes that

  • are unique, excellent and innovative;
  • building on collaborative relationships with genuine consultation and partnership; 
  • demonstrate BAC's commitment to a positive safety culture; and
  • enable service excellence.

During the award presentation BAC’s Chief Executive Officer Gert-Jan de Graaff stated that “Today we are emphasising the importance of building and maintaining collaborative relationships with our business partners in order to achieve a high standard of safety. This event is about thanking you for working with us over the past year to achieve some great safety outcomes”

James and VAE were nominated by BAC’s Jaco Strauss for outstanding work in getting site workers to make WHS a personal commitment, and driving a proactive safety culture during the Domestic Terminal Building Air Handling Unit Upgrade project. The project involved the retrofit of air handling plant in a “live” airport environment with limited windows of time available for conducting work.

Through our close working relationship with BAC, VAE were able to demonstrate our understanding of the unique environment and challenges involved in working in airports, and in particular understanding the critical need for safety for passengers, airport personnel and contractors.

Congratulations to James and the VAE team, for this well-deserved award.

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