SKYCITY Darwin Casino, Hotel & Resort (Now Mindil Beach Casino Resort)


Darwin, NT







This project involved the installation of chillers to a new plant platform that is external to the casino complex with the corresponding pipework modifications and removal of the existing roof top chillers.

In addition, VAE replaced the Building Management System (BMS) within the casino building, providing a Tridium overlay upgrade to the hotel and resort complexes.

VAE successfully completed the mechanical plant upgrades in the SKYCITY Casino complex involving the “live” cutover of the central chilled water system whilst minimising downtime and disruption to the Casino operations. 

The BMS upgrade in the Casino building involved the cutover of the existing control panels to new controllers whilst maintaining full operation of the plant. In the case of the Hotel and Resort complexes the existing BMS systems were retained and VAE provided an overlay to link these systems and the new Casino BMS onto one unified graphical interface.

The SKYCITY BMS shown on different devices

#Key Achievements


A true collaborative environment between SKYCITY and VAE Group teams


Substantial energy and efficiency benefits to the Casino


Linked three properties into one user-friendly interface with minimal disruption to the live hotel, resort and casino environment
