VAE also installed two new low level and two base load high efficiency water cooled chillers with new plantroom, to replace the existing central chilled water plant. The new plant included four new cooling towers, associated pumps, and new Mechanical Services Switchboards (MSSB). Extensive inground chilled water reticulation pipework was required to connect the new Building N80 Chillers to the Griffith University Nathan Campus chilled water infrastructure that serves the existing and future planned buildings.
Griffith University – Nathan Campus N80 Central Chiller Plant West
Badge Constructions awarded VAE the supply, installation, commissioning, and 12 months DLP maintenance of the mechanical services for Griffith University Nathan Campus – Building N80 Chiller Plant West.

#Key Achievements / Benefits
Extensive inground HDPE pipework within an operational University campus
Cutover of the new chilled water precinct to the existing University “on-line”
Complex logistics associated with placing the chillers within the new plantroom carried out by our VAE rigging team