R U OK? Day
This R U OK? Day we want to help spread the important message that a conversation can change a life.
This R U OK? Day we want to help spread the important message that a conversation can change a life.
R U OK Day is a day of action to remind ourselves to ask our colleagues and loved ones, ‘are you OK?’ and start a meaningful conversation whenever you spot the signs that someone you care about might be struggling with life.
It can be difficult to start a conversation with someone you are worried about, but by taking the time for an R U OK? conversation and genuinely listening with an open mind, we can all help the people in our world feel supported and connected.
Yesterday at VAE Group we held educational R U OK? morning teas throughout out our offices, encouraging our team to start these conversations with the following 4 steps…
1. Ask R U OK?
2. Listen
3. Encourage action
4. Check in