Happy NAIDOC Week to our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander colleagues, their families, friends, and communities, as we celebrate the history, culture, and achievements of First Nations People.

We will be using this week as an opportunity to reflect on our knowledge and perspectives and continue our journey of learning (and unlearning).
AT VAE Group we undertake work in many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island communities, taking great care and consideration to the land and its people’s nations and customs.
To better educate our staff working in Indigenous communities VAE carry out Cultural Awareness Training so that we can respect and recognise our responsibilities to the traditional owners of the land, the true history, and traditions of the communities we are working in.
We are committed to create opportunities within VAE Group and the communities we operate in, to improve socio-economic outcomes, together, with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and nations.
Together, we can all make a difference.